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Frequently Asked Questions

Through our FAQ’s section we hope to have answered lots of queries around the tika app.
If you require further assistance please message us via our ‘Contact us’ facility that can be found on the link above.
On the home screen of the app, you can 'Enter the Tikaverse'. You can click the 'configure' button at the top of the screen. From here, you can turn on / off categories so you only use what is relevant to you. Click the blue tick top right to Save.
On the home screen of the app, you can 'Enter the Tikaverse'. The more policies you add to your Tikaverse the more the percentage increases.
Inside the Tikaverse, click the category and then click into the record you wish to create. For example, Home, then Buildings Insurance. From here, you can click the '+' button at the bottom of the screen. If you have a pdf document on hand, or a piece of paper to write your key details on, you will be able to upload the pdf / image and the app will read the details and automatically add them to the app. Alternatively, you can manually fill the fields in.
From the home screen, click the 'Documents' icon bottom right. From here, you can upload a document for safe-keeping into any of the categories. 
To add a friend, click the 'SideTik' icon at the top of the home screen. You will then be able to search for your friends by their username. Click on the account you wish to add and click 'Add SideTik'. If that user has an anonymous account, you will need the users email address in order to send them a request.
To add a partner, you will need them to already be a SideTik. Click on them in the SideTik list, and click the toggle 'Partner'. This will then send your partner a request.
From the home screen, click 'Documents' bottom right. Click on the category of the document to expand that category list. Find your document in this category. Click the 3 dots which will show a dropdown. Click 'Share to Partner'. This will then share that document with your Tika Partner.
From the home screen, click 'Documents' bottom right. Click on the category of the document to expand that category list. Find your document in this category. Click the 3 dots which will show a dropdown. Click 'Remove Partner'. This will then remove that document from your Tika Partner.
Inside the Tikaverse, click into the category and then the record you wish to share. At the bottom of the record, you can click the 'Share to Partner' text, then click the white tick at the bottom of the screen. This will send that specific policy to your partner.
Inside the Tikaverse, click into the category and then the record you wish to remove from your partner. At the bottom of the record, you can click the 'Remove Partner' text, then click the white tick at the bottom of the screen. This will remove that specific policy to your partner.
Currently, the file type needs to be PDF, jpg or png to be read by the app.
When taking an image of policy details, please make sure the image is in portrait mode, the camera is not obscured and all details can be read clearly. 
To edit a policy, click into the policy record. There is an Edit icon represented by a pencil, top right of the record which will allow you to edit fields. Once edited, make sure to click 'Save' top right.
From the home screen, click on your profile image top right. This will open your account page. Scroll down to find, 'Anonymise Account'. There is a toggle, which will allow you to turn on or off this functionality.
From the home screen, click 'Calendar' bottom left. Click the '+' button. Fill in the relevant fields (name of event, location, start/end time). Click a SideTiks image to add them to that event. You can also add a reminder before the event takes place. Then click 'Create Event'.
If you are signed into the app already, from the home screen, click on your profile image top right. This will open your account page. Click 'Edit' top right. Then, scroll down to the bottom and you can click 'Change Password. 

If you are not signed into the app, you can click 'Forgot Password'. This will allow you to send a OTP code to the email registered to your account. Enter the code you receive and you will be able to change the password.
To delete your account. From the home screen, click the profile image top right to go to your account page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a 'Delete Account' button. Click this to have your account deleted.