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© 2023 Tika-App Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Company No. 14668906

Terms and Conditions


This page contains the terms and conditions which tell you information about Tika App and set out the terms and conditions that apply when you use the App (described below) provided by Tika App. If you are looking for information on how we use your information, you should refer to our Privacy Policy down below.
We encourage you to read these Terms carefully and make sure that you understand them before using our App and services. By accessing and using the App or services you confirm that you accept these Terms.

Terms of Use

Downloading the App

The Tika App can be downloaded from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play store. Our App is provided free of charge, but there are some premium services that we charge for that are accessible through the App.
Tika App is the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights contained in our App. Those works are protected by laws and treaties, including in respect of trademark and copyright, and all such rights are reserved.
The App is intended for those aged 16 and up and for residents of the United Kingdom.


It is important that you never allow anyone to access your App and that you take reasonable steps to keep the App secure, for example:
be vigilant and careful that no one else can access your account on the App;
keep your security information safe and confidential, and never share it with anyone else (remember we will never ask you for all of your security information);
ensure the software on your device up to date by installing updates as soon they are
refrain from storing confidential usernames and passwords on the App, and
follow any other instructions we give you to keep the App secure.
We will suspend your use of the App if you tell us we believe that your security information has been compromised or that anyone else has access to your user account on the App.

Financial Information Disclaimer

The App sometimes provides information and content in relation to products and services, including financial services. We do not charge for this service. Instead, we may receive fees from suppliers of products and services.
The App does not provide financial advice, advice concerning particular investments or investment decisions, or tax or legal advice. Nor do we recommend particular products or services, even though we may work with providers of financial products on a commercial basis. You should take professional financial advice in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on our App and wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment decision, a purchase or otherwise.

While we aim to keep the information on the App accurate, complete, and up-to-date, we cannot guarantee, and will not be responsible for any damage or loss related to, the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information.

We will not be liable in respect of any losses you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information. Nor will we be liable in respect of any losses you may suffer as a result of relying upon information posted on the App by a community member, expert or company representative.

We would like to draw your attention to the following investment warnings: the value of investments and the income derived from them can go down as well as up; investors may not get back the amount they invested; and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.


The content, design, software, databases, text, graphics and all other material on the App is owned by us or our licensors and protected by copyright.
You may use the App for your own individual, non-commercial use.  None of the content, design, software, text, graphics or other material used on the website may be reproduced, modified or redistributed without our prior and explicit written permission. You must not use this App for any commercial purpose without our express written consent.

We do not make any recommendation or endorsement as to any experts, investments or to any content submitted by third parties or linked to our App.


We give you permission to use our App for the purposes of accessing the services we make available from time to time, provided that you must not do any of the following:

access without authority, interfere with, damage or disrupt any part of the services or App, their security measures, any servers, other equipment or networks connected to the services or App or on which their stored or any software used in their provision, or attempt to do any of these things.
use the services or App to transmit any worms, computer viruses, malware, logic bombs, Trojan horses, spyware, harmful components or any other software, code or data of a corrupt, destructive, malicious or disruptive nature;
inject content or code or otherwise alter or interfere with the way any page of the services or App is rendered or displayed in a user's browser or device;
access the services or App via a means not authorised by us, including, but not limited to, automated devices, scripts, bots, spiders, crawlers or scrapers (except for standard search engine technologies which are used by a search engine with our express consent), or allow anyone else to use your permission, which is personal to you;
investigate and reproduce our code, or try to analyse or reverse engineer the App or services, or any part of them;
change, modify, adapt or alter the services or App, or change, modify, adapt or alter another website so as to inaccurately imply an association with any service or the App or otherwise with Tika App;
provide us with any information which is not accurate or truthful, or act in bad faith when using the App or services; or
use the services or App in any way that is illegal or could otherwise bring Tika App into disrepute.
The App and Website are provided for domestic and personal use only. You must not use the product for any commercial, business or resale purposes. We will not be liable to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption, or loss of business opportunity if you do so.

Third party websites and services

The Tika App, our website( and/or services, or communications from us, may include links to third-party websites, applications or features ("Third Party Services") which are provided for your information only. Third Party Services are used at your own risk and we do not endorse, control or maintain them. We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of Third Party Services.

The App contains information about and links to other third party websites. We are not in any way responsible for the information displayed on, the privacy policies of, or the practices upheld by said third parties. Nor are we in any way responsible for the products or services they offer.

Any arrangements between you and any third party contacted via the website are at your sole risk. We assume no responsibility for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the information, services or other material on this App.

Some of the links to third party websites included on our website are affiliate links. This means that we may receive commission or a fee if you click on a link that takes you through to a third party website or if you purchase a product from a third party website.

Should you use the website to find a financial product and go on to apply for said product; any payment made will be to the relevant third party. We are not in any way involved with any such transaction or the processing of any such transaction.

Data usage

You are responsible for any and all data charges you incur from mobile service providers, internet service providers or other data providers in using the App, Website or any service

Availability and changes to our App

We do not guarantee that the App will be available at all times or without interruption.

We may make changes or updates to the App at any time, subject to these terms and conditions. We will try to include a notification on the App to let you know in advance of any scheduled downtime or upgrades. However, there may be times when the App is unavailable due to circumstances which are unforeseen or outside our control.

In addition, we may have to disable access to the App temporarily for security reasons (for example, to prevent unauthorised access to our services or the risk of damage to our systems). We shall not be liable to you in these circumstances.

We do not guarantee that any content we provide will be free from errors or omissions. We give no representations, warranties or guarantees, either express or implied, that the content on our App or delivered through any services is accurate, complete or up-to-date. You are responsible for having your own virus protection software and for the security of your internet connection. We shall not be liable for any loss or damage you incur as a result of any errors, omissions or Viruses.

Changes to these terms

We can change these Terms from time to time. We can make changes for the following reasons:
because of changes in law or regulation, which affect how we provide the App;
because of changes we make to our services, including where we remove services or add new services;
to make a change which is for your benefit; and/or
for any other reason that we can't foresee, provided it is reasonable for us to make the
change in the circumstances.
When we make a change, we will act reasonably and proportionately, taking into account the reason for making the change.  We will try to provide you with advance notice before any changes are implemented and the updated Terms take effect, unless we make a change for legal or administrative reasons and are unable to give such notice, or we introduce new features or functions which do not affect the current operation of the App. We will notify you of the change by email or using any of the other contact details you have provided, and we will also make the updated Terms available on the App.


You hereby indemnify us and undertake to keep us indemnified against any losses, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses (including without limitation legal expenses and any amounts paid by us to a third party in settlement of a claim or dispute on the advice of our legal advisers) incurred or suffered by us arising out of any breach by you of any provision of these terms and conditions.


Your use of the App and all information, products and other content (including that of third parties) included in or accessible from them is at your sole risk.
The App is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind as to the App and all information, products and other content (including that of third parties) included in or accessible from the App or any service, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.

We do not guarantee that:
the App will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free;
the results that may be obtained from the use of the App will be accurate or
the App will meet your expectations or be appropriate for your needs; or
any errors in the technology will be corrected.
Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the App or our services is done at your own discretion and risk and you are solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. No information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from us through or from the App will create any warranty not expressly stated in these Terms.

Our liability

We do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under English law.  To the extent permitted by applicable law, we will not be liable to you in connection with the App (including your use or inability to use it) for:
any loss or damage that was not caused by our fault, or the fault of some other person who we are legally responsible for (such as our agents);
loss of profits or goodwill.

any statement or conduct on or via the App by any third party;
loss of data which is caused by factors other than those set out above, or our breach of any other statutory duty;
your use of the App outside the United Kingdom, if this causes you to be in breach of the local laws that apply;
the cost to you of obtaining goods or services as substitutes for the App; or
any other loss or damage suffered by you in connection with the App.
We are responsible for loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of our breach of these Terms or our negligence, but we are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is obvious that it will happen, or, at the time that you accepted these Terms, both you and we contemplated that it might happen.
We will not be liable to you for any failure or delay in performing any of our obligations under these Terms to the extent that such failure or delay is caused or contributed to by you or by an event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control.

Termination and suspension

We can suspend or terminate your use of the App if any of the following things happens:
you have seriously or persistently breached these Terms;
we reasonably believe you gave us false information when you set up your user account
and, if we had known the truth, we wouldn't have allowed you to use the App;
we reasonably believe that your user account is being used, or looks like it's going to be
used, for something illegal;
you threaten or are violent towards our team;
we have to for legal or regulatory reasons; or
you are not eligible to use the App;
In addition, we can close your user account and terminate your use of the App by giving you 30 days' notice.

Stopping use of the App

If you wish to cancel your user account and stop using the App, or if you wish to revoke your consent to us accessing information relating to any account or accounts, you can do so in the App or by emailing You should bear in mind that if you stop using the App, you will not be able to use any of the services we make available through the App.

General provisions & applicable law

You cannot assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer to any third party any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms. We can assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer to any third party at any time any of our rights and/or obligations under these Terms.
If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid for any reason, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the remaining provisions of these Terms, which will remain in full force and effect.

If either we or you fail to exercise any right or remedy under these Terms, that will not affect our or your right to exercise that right or remedy.
These Terms are governed by English law. If you or we have a claim (whether this is contractual or non-contractual) arising from or relating to these Terms, the courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction.
Contacting each other

If you need to contact us, you can do so by email at the following address (  If we need to contact you, we will use the email address you provide when you sign up or use the App. If these details change, please let us know.

Our office:

Our registered office address is 1 Goose Green, Altrincham, Cheshire, England, WA14 1DW.


We hope this doesn't happen, but if you want to make a complaint then you can send us an email at